To the Emirates


It was going to be sunny. It was going to be warm. It's England.

So I made sure I had leather jeans on and the heavier jacket. There was no sun,  but it was warm.

Comfortable ride up to London. 

Curiously home to work and back isn't as far as it used to be. Either the tectonic  plate has moved and Hythe is nearer London, or the odometer is different compared with the GS.

The Emirates Stadium is about half a mile from where I work.

I had a ride round the bike parking spaces around the stadium and they were all full so I ended up parking in a school up the road. It costs a fiver but at least the staff are on hand to keep an eye on the bikes and cars parked there.

In future I might as well park at work and walk up! I might even be able to get in the building and change out of bike gear for the game.

The ride up.  I gave myself plenty of time for a 1.30pm kick-off, leaving home at 10.45 and having a genteel cruise control  run up. The cruise set at a healthy law abiding 75mph. Allowing for speedo error safely under the legal limit or thereabouts. I arrived at the parking about 12.20pm.

As usual Döra ran perfectly, so there's not much to be said!!

Today I was the only bike parked at St Joan of Arc as well. Most of the other bikes I saw seemed to be going the opposite direction. I have no idea what could be more exciting.

The walk from the school to the stadium isn't far but it was so muggy I was boiling in my jacket. I should have put the panniers on and locked my jacket away!!

After the game. Arsenal won 3-1, I had the walk back, this time uphill! By the time I got back to Döra I was melting.

I used a few back roads to escape the stadium area and was soon on the way home. With cruise set a little higher, mpg fell to about 54 on the onboard computer. The petrol stop showed only 142.9 miles on the trip and 56.54mpg on the mpgcalc app.

The sun never showed it's face but it was still a good day out.

Tomorrow? Back up there again, to work.



Trobairitz said…
Warm and no sun is still a good day. Easier on the eyes when riding through the countryside.

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