Döra is home!

After a week or so lull in the rainy weather  today it was raining as I took the courtesy Sprint back to Laguna Triumph at Ashford.

I stopped at Stop 24 to put in some petrol to replace what I had used. In the end a tenner sufficed.

Sprint Top-Up

I was glad to be giving it back. It's about 1998 when I last owned a lean forward style of bike, a GSXR750. Since then I have owned a TDM 850, Bandit 1200 and of course for 11 years Mr Baloo the GS.

I took the back roads home after filling the tank at the nearby Tesco.

With her trip to Hinckley for the head replacement it meant that all the trips etc had been lost, plus the tank given some petrol. All designed to cockup my MPG counting. So I'll have to program another one and start again.

As well as the new head, they also replaced the centre stand for a redesigned one plus the exhaust can.

New Can
New Head
So at least she is home. Now hoping for decent weather to get some miles under the wheels.


Trobairitz said…
Hooray. I bet you were happy to give the loaner back and pick up Dora. Looks like you had a wet ride over. Hope it wasn't too bad coming back.

Sure is a pretty bike.
Trobairitz said…
Hooray. I bet you were happy to give the loaner back and pick up Dora. Looks like you had a wet ride over. Hope it wasn't too bad coming back.

Sure is a pretty bike.

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