New Box

Döra was a year old in July and although I didn't have a party I did decide to have a look around to see what I could buy for her.  She already has most things a girl could need, but with our impending holiday to Spain on the horizon, now less than two weeks away, she could do with a luggage upgrade.

I looked at the Triumph box for the Explorer and it was very expensive. The rack alone is over £120 and I have a perfectly good and year old Givi rack and fittings.

So I looked at the Givi Trekker.  The 52 litre box comes in at about £225 (!) at the cheapest place I can find in UK, and then I saw the Kappa KGR52 "Garda" box. Kappa and Givi are the same company at the end of the day and some years ago we had Kappa panniers on the Bandit.

The "Garda" is much cheaper as it is more black that aluminium than the Trekker but is a match for the Triumph oem panniers.

Kappa KGR52 "Garda" 

It should give us a lot more carrying space for the holiday.


Trobairitz said…
Nice looking box. I like it when we can find a less expensive version of something from the same parent company.

Just think of everything you'll be hauling now.

Hard to believe you've already had the bike a year.

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